Green Campus
Green Campus is a community with a common goal of improving the effectiveness of energy usage, sustaining resources and increasing the quality of environment. This can be attained by sustainable development education and implementing projects that contribute to a healthy and conducive lifestyle.
As an educational institution, Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) desires to turn its campus into a Green Campus.
Nonetheless, converting UniMAP into Green Campus is not an easy task because it takes more than green technology to achieve. Instead, sustainable development values in university community and local communities need to be sown as well. A good example of this is to have the conscious action of switching off the lights and air condition when there is no one in the room.
This project is carried out by the Professors’ Council of UniMAP and Office of the Assistant to the Vice Chancellor while the caretaker is the Sustainable Development Unit. A series of discussion was held which includes presentation to the Vice Chancellor and the Executive Committee of UniMAP. A Green Campus Workshop was also held on the 12 of June 2012 at Timah Tasoh.
Accordng to a lecturer from the School of Mechatronic Engineering, UniMAP, Dr. Siti Khadijah Za'aba, the implementation of Green Campus is a worthwhile investment.
Dr Siti Khadijah, who is the coordinator to this project explains that the implementation of the Green Campus shall bring benefit to the university in terms of the use of resources as well as ensuring good practices to safeguard a good future for the younger generations so they can get enjoy the world as we do.
“So far, UniMAP’s Green Campus team has come up with an action plan of five years. Perhaps we can see the development of the project in five years time,” she was quoted to say.
She has also stressed that the execution of this project is divided into four aspects namely administration, academic, research and local communities.
“The success of Green Campus depends on the four parties who are leading the aforementioned aspects.”
Several teams have been formed based on specific themes which are Building, Weather, Energy, Food, Soil, Human, Purchase, Transport, Waste and Water. The themes are significant in order for the project to be executed comprehensively,” she said.
University is not only a place to pursue the quest for knowledge; it is also a place to nurture the personality of its graduates. In addition, it is a great place to nurture the sustainable characteristics because eventually the graduates would contribute to the growth of the nation either directly or indirectly.
Besides that, among the initiatives that have been taken by UniMAP in achieving the green campus is organizing the “Earthday” campaign annually. This effort will be taken by the School of Environmental Engineering.
The purpose of this campaign is to inculcate the awareness among students and staff on the importance of environment, furthermore UniMAP also organizes recycling campaign.
It is hoped that the culmination of the Green Campus and Sustainable Campus project, the values of sustainability could be inculcated in the hearts of UniMAP’s family and the local communities.
Please visit UniMAP Sustainable Campus Website for more info regarding UniMAP Sustainable Campus :
Kindly please contact the person-in-charge:
Jemaah Profesor UniMAP
Hanimah Karjoo
Assistant Registrar
Tel.: +604 979 7949
Fax : +604 979 7948
Latest Update: 30th January 2019
Green Campus is a community with a common goal of improving the effectiveness of energy usage, sustaining resources and increasing the quality of environment. This can be attained by sustainable development education and implementing projects that contribute to a healthy and conducive lifestyle.
As an educational institution, Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) desires to turn its campus into a Green Campus.
Nonetheless, converting UniMAP into Green Campus is not an easy task because it takes more than green technology to achieve. Instead, sustainable development values in university community and local communities need to be sown as well. A good example of this is to have the conscious action of switching off the lights and air condition when there is no one in the room.
This project is carried out by the Professors’ Council of UniMAP and Office of the Assistant to the Vice Chancellor while the caretaker is the Sustainable Development Unit. A series of discussion was held which includes presentation to the Vice Chancellor and the Executive Committee of UniMAP. A Green Campus Workshop was also held on the 12 of June 2012 at Timah Tasoh.
Accordng to a lecturer from the School of Mechatronic Engineering, UniMAP, Dr. Siti Khadijah Za'aba, the implementation of Green Campus is a worthwhile investment.
Dr Siti Khadijah, who is the coordinator to this project explains that the implementation of the Green Campus shall bring benefit to the university in terms of the use of resources as well as ensuring good practices to safeguard a good future for the younger generations so they can get enjoy the world as we do.
“So far, UniMAP’s Green Campus team has come up with an action plan of five years. Perhaps we can see the development of the project in five years time,” she was quoted to say.
She has also stressed that the execution of this project is divided into four aspects namely administration, academic, research and local communities.
“The success of Green Campus depends on the four parties who are leading the aforementioned aspects.”
Several teams have been formed based on specific themes which are Building, Weather, Energy, Food, Soil, Human, Purchase, Transport, Waste and Water. The themes are significant in order for the project to be executed comprehensively,” she said.
University is not only a place to pursue the quest for knowledge; it is also a place to nurture the personality of its graduates. In addition, it is a great place to nurture the sustainable characteristics because eventually the graduates would contribute to the growth of the nation either directly or indirectly.
Besides that, among the initiatives that have been taken by UniMAP in achieving the green campus is organizing the “Earthday” campaign annually. This effort will be taken by the School of Environmental Engineering.
The purpose of this campaign is to inculcate the awareness among students and staff on the importance of environment, furthermore UniMAP also organizes recycling campaign.
It is hoped that the culmination of the Green Campus and Sustainable Campus project, the values of sustainability could be inculcated in the hearts of UniMAP’s family and the local communities.
Please visit UniMAP Sustainable Campus Website for more info regarding UniMAP Sustainable Campus :
Kindly please contact the person-in-charge:
Jemaah Profesor UniMAP
Hanimah Karjoo
Assistant Registrar
Tel.: +604 979 7949
Fax : +604 979 7948
Latest Update: 30th January 2019